10 Strangest Job Interview Questions

2 min readJun 29, 2024


What do recruiters hope to hear from candidates when they ask strange questions? Why might an employer ask you about the song you always choose at karaoke? And how should you react to unexpected questions that you never anticipated hearing in an interview? Let’s discuss some odd recruiter questions and try to understand their purpose.

1. Describe the color yellow to a blind person

This question may seem difficult or even impossible, but the interviewer is interested in how you handle unexpected questions, especially considering the conversation involves a person with a disability.

2. Are you a hunter or a gatherer?

By asking this question, the recruiter tries to understand how you perceive people with different skills and abilities.

3. What song do you always order at karaoke?

Here, the interviewer seeks to discover how you respond to a personal question in a professional setting, and how you discuss topics that blur the line between work and personal life.

4. Which actor do you see playing the lead role in a movie about your life?

The person you choose can say a lot about your modesty and sense of self-worth. Employers appreciate humor in such questions but also use them to gauge your personality traits.

5. Name seven uses for a ballpoint pen.

This question tests your resourcefulness and creativity. It’s a practical task, especially if you’re applying for a creative position or if “out-of-the-box thinking” is a requirement for the job.

6. What would you take with you to a deserted island and why?

Your answer will reveal to the interviewer how you think and what is truly important to you.

7. Do you believe in conspiracy theories?

Interviewers want to know how you handle conversations about opinions and discuss controversial ideas that may not be logically founded or scientifically explained.

8. How many books would fit in this room?

By asking this question, the recruiter wants to know how you approach problem-solving, not to hear an exact answer. It’s about assessing your logical abilities.

9. What do you believe in that most people do not?

This question helps the recruiter evaluate your depth of thought and overall perspective.

10. Imagine you discover that your boss is involved with a competing organization. What would you do?

This question allows you to demonstrate your work ethics and adherence to company rules. It also tests your loyalty and ability to believe only verified information. The trick is, you’ll never know the “correct” answer they expected.

What strange questions have you received in job interviews? Share your experiences in the comments and tell us about the unusual questions you’ve been asked during interviews.




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